leadership — Career Compass of Louisiana
Kacy Edwards & Julie Scott, Co-Founders and Executive Directors

Kacy Edwards & Julie Scott, Co-Founders and Executive Directors

Executive Leadership

Kacy Edwards | Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

In 2006, Kacy Edwards was a 10-year veteran educator in a Baton Rouge high school. She and Julie Scott, her best friend, saw an unmet need: many of her students were not graduating with plans to attend a post-secondary institution. They took a leap of faith and started a nonprofit organization called Career Compass of Louisiana. That two-woman business has now grown to reach over 100,000 high school seniors across the state of Louisiana, as well as put hundreds of thousands of 6th-12th grade students across the state on track for success after high school graduation. These days, Kacy is focused on organizational and personnel development, and strengthening Career Compass' unique culture. Looking to the future, Kacy aims to continue helping others grow professionally, especially women who are looking to re-enter the workforce and balance work and family.

Kacy earned a bachelor’s degree in History from Louisiana State University (LSU) with alternate certification in Secondary Education Social Studies in 1997.  She completed her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from LSU in 2005. In 2011, she was recognized by The Baton Rouge Business Report’s “Top 40 Under 40” list.  In 2018, Kacy received the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation’s “Angel Award”, a lifetime achievement award given to individuals who have done outstanding work for the state’s youth. 

Julie Scott | Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Julie Scott's classroom days are long behind her, but she'll always be an educator at heart. Now, she's a leader and business owner, too. When she and Kacy Edwards started Career Compass 2006 as its only employees, she dreamed of blanketing the state with college & career coaches. Her dream is becoming a reality, as she is the architect of Career Compass' expansion strategy and manager of its growing budget. Julie’s mission is continual in helping communities realize that post-secondary access will improve a litany of modern society's challenges.

Julie earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Studies Education from Southeastern Louisiana University in 1999. She has eight years of experience teaching secondary social studies at Tara High School in East Baton Rouge Parish School System. In 2009, Julie was recognized as the St. George Catholic School Alumnus of the Year. In 2011, she was recognized by The Baton Rouge Business Report’s “Top 40 Under 40” list. In 2018, Julie received the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation’s “Angel Award”, a lifetime achievement award given to individuals who have done outstanding work for the state’s youth. 

Statewide Services Team & Regional Coordinators

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Darelle Bergeron | Regional Coordinator (Southeast Louisiana)

Career Compass Starting Year: 2009 

College Alma Mater(s): Louisiana State University 

Degree(s): M.A. Education 

High School Alma Mater: Centerville High School, Centerville, LA 

Being a Career Compass coach is the best job ever because I get to help students develop a plan for success for their future. I become their number one fan, encourager, and helper. Sometimes just knowing someone is on your team is enough to start a fire within, which can lead to unlimited potential in students all over the state. I am blessed to be able to reach so many students through one organization. The success stories are infinite. 


Crystal Burch McKnight | Director of Development & Strategic Partnerships

Career Compass Starting Year: 2012

College Alma Mater(s): Northwestern State University

Degree(s): B.S. Psychology, M.Ed. School Counseling

High School Alma Mater: Grant High School, Dry Prong, LA

Prior to working with Career Compass, I was a high school and junior high school counselor, and was also employed by Central Louisiana Technical Community College as one of the first college & career coaches in Central Louisiana. This work helped me to see the significant needs that students have in transitioning through their educational careers. I was born and raised in central Louisiana, and am passionate about helping improve the community and state where I and my family live. 

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Jamie Foster | Regional Coordinator (South Louisiana)

Career Compass Starting Year: 2014

College Alma Mater(s): Southeastern Louisiana University 

Degree(s): B.S. Elementary Education

High School Alma Mater: Archbishop Chapelle High School Metairie, LA

Being a Career Compass coach is the best job ever. As a college & career coach, I get the opportunity to help students find the post-high school plan best suited to their aspirations and abilities. With all the choices, decisions, and expectations our students face, they need someone to help them make sense of it all. That’s what I do! More importantly, I get to help them achieve their goals after high school.  It’s the best feeling to see them have hope for their future.


Synomen Hebert | Director of Technology

Career Compass Starting Year: 2007 

College Alma Mater(s): Louisiana State University 

Degree(s): B.A. Studio Art, M.Ed. Education 

High School Alma Mater: Brusly High School, Brusly, LA 

Career Compass, as an organization, believes in making things better. Each day I ask myself, "How can I make this better?" And I ask this on behalf of my coworkers, our state, our partners, our school districts, and most importantly, our students. For they are the future, and I get to be a part of helping them take some of the first steps toward making Louisiana a better place. It truly is the best job ever!


Stephanie Moreau | Regional Coordinator (CENLA) and New Programs Coordinator

Career Compass Starting Year: 2015

College Alma Mater(s): Lamar University; Northwestern State University; Louisiana College

Degree(s): M.ED. in School Counseling; Certification of Teaching for General Science Grades 6-12; B.S. General Studies – Minor in Biology

High School Alma Mater: Marksville High School, Marksville, LA

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Working for Career Compass is the truly the best job ever! I love working with our students, school and district staff, industry and post-secondary partners, and our amazing Career Compass coaches. Seeing the smiles on our students faces when they are prepared for the next chapter of their life is one of the best feelings ever. Every day I get to do something that I love while impacting lives in a positive way!

Dr. Chris Maggio | Beyond Graduation Project Manager

Dr. Maggio currently serves as the Project Manager for the Beyond Graduation Program assisting high school seniors successfully transition to a local two-year or four-year university or technical community college.

Prior to joining the Career Compass team, Maggio served as the 19th President of Northwestern State University. He has 36 years of experience working in Education and his expertise includes Enrollment Management, Student Experience, and Fund Development. His passion includes working with students and helping them reach their educational goals.


Sydney Scott | Content Manager

Career Compass Starting Year: 2019

College Alma Mater(s): Southeastern Louisiana University

Major(s): B.A. Marketing, Concentration in Sales

High School Alma Mater: St. Michael the Archangel High School, Baton Rouge, LA

I believe that the key to a successful future for our state lies in the hands of our younger generations, and I’m passionate about making post-secondary education accessible to future generations to come. I love working with my CC family to connect with students across the state of Louisiana so they can access higher education!

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Dawn Smith | FAFSA Coordinator & Boo Grigsby Foundation Scholarship Award Coordinator

Career Compass Starting Year: 2017

College Alma Mater(s): Louisiana State University

Degree(s): B.S. Psychology

High School Alma Mater: St. Michael High School, Baton Rouge, LA

I believe that all high school students deserve the chance to attend a post-secondary educational program after graduation. It is such an honor to work with an organization that believes in empowering students to find their passion and pursue their dreams. Helping students achieve their goals is definitely THE BEST JOB EVER! 

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Laura Weego | Regional Coordinator (North Louisiana)

Career Compass Starting Year: 2012 

College Alma Mater(s): Louisiana Tech University, Louisiana State University  

Degree(s): B.A. Sociology; Master's of Social Work 

High School Alma Mater: Trinity Heights Christian Academy, Shreveport, LA 

Being a Career Compass coach is the best job ever because I love Louisiana! I truly believe that our coaches are making a difference in this state, because we are privileged to play a small part in teaching students to own their futures.

5441 Jones Creek Road, Suite H  •  Baton Rouge, LA 70817   •  (225) 277-2233   • careercompass@careercompassla.org

©2020 Career Compass of Louisiana